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Case Study: Fabio Fina Shares How The 6-Figure Practice Helped Him As A Private Practice Counselor

Private Practice Counselor

Fabio Fina, a private practice therapist, shares his challenges in private practice, and his wins during and after finishing the 6-figure practice program where he learned and implemented marketing for therapists.

Fabio Fina is a counselor in Boulder, CO who specializes in men’s work, trauma work, and relationships therapy.

The Six Figure Practice with Sasha Raskin, is an online program and community for counselors and coaches, who are building their 6 figure practice. If you’re looking for a clear, step-by-step road map for creating and marketing your private practice, you’re at the right place!

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My name is Sasha Raskin. I’m a Number 1 Best Selling Co-Author in 12 Countries, a Doctoral student in Counseling Education and Supervision, a coach, a psychotherapist and an adjunct faculty at a graduate counseling program at Naropa University.

One of the things I’m enjoying the most is helping other therapists and coaches build their successful private practice so that they could actually help the clients they were taught to help, and thrive themselves. I’m almost always fully booked, so my ability to work with individuals is limited. That is why I’ve created this program to deliver powerful results and create a community where you will feel supported by each other!

This program’s primary goal is to help you build a 6 figure private practice, in a fun and authentic way. Counselors and coaches invest an incredible amount of time, money, and effort into building their helping skills. However, when their training ends, they usually find themselves lacking the business skills that are needed to start and run a successful private practice, feel isolated, discouraged and not knowing where to start.

I believe that to be truly helpful to others, therapists and coaches have to learn to thrive themselves and definitely know how to get clients whom they can help.

This is where this program comes in. If you’re willing to learn and work hard, a 6-figure private practice is within your reach in a year – 2 years. This program will give you a clear outline, and detailed instructions on how to get there.

Fabio Fina, Private Practice Therapist, The 6-Figure Practice Program Graduate

Sasha Raskin: Hi, Fabio.

Fabio Fina: Hey, Sasha.

Sasha Raskin: So you’re a fresh graduate of the program, and I wanted to do this quick interview for you to share in your own words with people who are considering to join the program what it’s all about and maybe not about the program per se, but about you and your journey in private practice, which would be especially helpful when talking about marketing for therapists. So maybe let’s start with a few details about you and your business, what do you do and which clients you work with, etcetera.

Fabio Fina: Yeah, thanks. Thanks for the opportunity. Yes, so I’m a social worker, I’m a psychotherapist, I’ve been in the field for about ten years and I work primarily with men. I do men’s work, focus on trauma and relationship issues really, so issues of codependence, heartbreak, loneliness, sexuality, things of that nature.

Sasha Raskin: Yeah, wonderful. So why did you decide to join the program in the first place, what were your expectations, hopes?

Fabio Fina: Well, so I guess I’ll reveal myself here, so I struggled with ADHD and I guess it’s out there on my website, but in the past I also struggle with anxiety. And one of the features of ADHD for me was just overwhelmed, like massive overwhelm, a sense of loneliness, I’m self-employed so I had the opportunity of being guided by you which I trust you and the stuff that you and your wife said is really solid. And then being part of a group I really felt like could get me there to my goal which is have a full private practice.

Sasha Raskin: Yeah, wonderful. I have ADHD too so we’re a good happy family, with lots of gifts too. That’s why I chose to be an ADHD coach!

Fabio Fina: Yeah.

Sasha Raskin: So what were your biggest struggles in your private practice before joining the program?

Fabio Fina: Oh, man, I could list so many. So a complete sort of sense of like where do I even start, how do I make this transition from student, graduate student into somebody that’s working for an agency into having like my own business, it felt like a big step into adulthood and self-sufficiency. So overwhelm, a sense of overwhelming anxiety on how to do it, which steps. there’s so many programs out there, so many books and programs and it’s like where do you start, what do you start reading?

As I said earlier like I needed also a sense of community, so I was feeling kind of alone in this. And I know what I know about myself is that I really benefit from having other people like I love community, so having other people like text me or email me and me emailing them and inspiring each other to achieve our goals which is we’re all wanting to have kind of our own practice.

Those, like overwhelm and then there’s so many sub-points on the overwhelm, it’s like a timeline, how to do it, which clients to pick, how do you build a website, how do you make videos, do I need videos, what’s SEO? Now in retrospect it’s a lot of stuff that I know, I didn’t know that I didn’t know earlier before the program, so it’s like now I can give it a word to what I didn’t know I didn’t know.

Sasha Raskin: that’s such a good point, that’s what I see with therapists, the fear is that I don’t know marketing. And it’s very real, people usually don’t, and they don’t even know what they don’t know, right?

Fabio Fina: Yeah, well, it’s like the crazy thing, I mean, I think you talked about … you might have talked about this a number of times in our program, like we get clinical skills at school, and social workers we learn about micro problem, societal problem, social justice, family therapy, therapy with children, etcetera. We don’t have time or just time it’s not spent at all on how do you build marketing, business skills, money skills, like there’s none of that. It’s sort of assumed that you’ll get it or you already have it.

And so when I launched into the world I was just like, “Well, I guess I got to figure it out somehow.” That’s one of the things … the big things that the program helped me with, the class that I didn’t get.

Sasha Raskin: Yeah, which is a shame, that’s the bad news. The good news that I think all knowledge can be acquired, right?

Fabio Fina: Yeah, totally. And for me with ADHD it’s like doing it in a systematic way, like having a path, that’s the thing that really kind of makes a difference. Because, again, you can go out there, I have lots of business and marketing books like I bought over the years or got from the library or audios and whatever. But if I don’t go through them and I don’t actually follow the steps, it just ends up becoming a jumbled mess.

Sasha Raskin: Yeah, totally. That was one of my main goals with the program, not just give people a ton of information and you do whatever you want with it. No, there’s like a very clear path, you set up a very clear solid foundation for your practice, then you get your first clients by doing A, B and C, then you start building a system for long-term client creation. As simple as that, right? It doesn’t need to be what do I do with all this information, right?

Fabio Fina: And I think that’s one of the things that … that’s one of the reasons that I work with you and I keep working with you is you have a way to make things simple, like my brain already over complicates things because of ADHD features, like I’m thinking about like 12 different alternative realities and possible scenarios of what could happen all at the same time. And so even with marketing or niching or finding your niche or writing a blog, you have a way … it’s like you have a way that’s so simple, this is one way that I could describe it, simple, it’s like it simplifies the difficulties of going through this process. And it’s kind of like you seem to help me use what I already kind of naturally do and just turn that into my business skills, which is awesome.

Sasha Raskin: Yeah, totally. So it’s like for me this whole process of building private practice, your business as a counselor or as a coach is stripping down the layers of the onion.

Fabio Fina: Yes.

Sasha Raskin: Not getting more and more onions, right? Let’s focus on what actually works and what do you need to do right now instead of in a year from now, right? Because then you’re not doing your business any favors if you’re doing something that’s more of a long-term goal, right?

Fabio Fina: Exactly.

Sasha Raskin: Fabio, what are your biggest measurable achievements as a result of the program, of doing this program?

Fabio Fina: Yeah, again, one of those things that I could list so many, I have a website, I’m going to say I have a website that I’m proud of.

Sasha Raskin: You do have a website that you’re proud of.

Fabio Fina: I have a website that I’m proud of, that I built, that I’ve asked some feedback here and there and that I received from you and from the folks in the program, but I love …

Sasha Raskin: By the way, the link is in the case study text, so anyone who watches this case study interview you can just go and see what Fabio did.

Fabio Fina: Yeah, it’s or But a website that I’m proud of, I love the photos on there, I love the writing on it you really helped me out, you have kind of structure that I followed to write my content. I started … I have blogs on it which it’s like I have material.

And I think the thing that I like the most is that it feels like me, it’s not a copy of somebody else’s website out there, it’s like it’s me. It resonates with who I am, it’s my face onto the web, it feels authentic. Not like I need to be Tony Robbins or somebody else, like I could just be me and put myself out there.

I’ve learned what SEO is, so I’ve taken care of that.

Sasha Raskin: Search engine optimization for whoever doesn’t know.

Fabio Fina: Yes, exactly. And I’ve learned a way to market through using ads and things of that nature, that’s just one of the ways that I’ve learned to market, there’s other ways, that it’s targeted to the people that most need my help, that like are really suffering, that most need to find me. And so what it looked like practically is that pretty quickly I started getting phone calls.

You did say that some other processes like trial and error, so let’s say I put out my Google ads and I may not get anything for a month, so the test for me was with some of the ads that I put out it was to actually stick with it long enough to see the metrics and to see what was working and what wasn’t.

And so where am I right now – I don’t have a full practice, I have a half full practice which is great, it’s going from two private clients that I had to half filling my practice which is massive.

Sasha Raskin: Yeah, and you created that in … when you fully commit … how long did it take you to get here, from zero to half private practice?

Fabio Fina: From zero clients at all?

Sasha Raskin: Yeah.

Fabio Fina: About a year and a half.

Sasha Raskin: Year and a half. So do you think you can get to six figures within two years, from zero to six figures?

Fabio Fina: Yep.

Sasha Raskin: How do you know?

Fabio Fina: What’s that?

Sasha Raskin: How do you know? Because I think that that’s the biggest question and the biggest goal for anyone who considers this program as, well, yeah, I want to get clients, that’s the main thing, and I want to have predictable system for making that happen.

Fabio Fina: Yeah, I would say the as a client I definitely have a predictable system that I use, literally some things I’ve like printed and I have it with me and I use them, certain structures of how to speak to clients and things like that or sort of steps to follow.

What I will say to specify, probably like can I get to six figures? Yes. In two years? Yes. With a caveat that … and you say this in the program, like it’s all dependent on the amount of effort that I put in.

Sasha Raskin: Yes.

Fabio Fina: So I have a newborn, we just moved into a new home, newborn, we got married – all within a six month span. So major life transitions on top of starting … really building my private practice. So my time is diminished. I could imagine that if I had a slightly different life situation, maybe a little bit more time, I could crank it up even more.

Sasha Raskin: And during the program … So many people here say, yes, it’s great to have a system in place and set all the foundation, but will I get my money’s worth by investing into the program even during those nine weeks, right? Have you created at least one client based on the information in the program?

Fabio Fina: 1,000%, I created more than a client, 100%. Yeah, just way more than one. It’s just what I’m seeing is … again, to reveal myself, I’ve struggled with finances growing up, I didn’t grow up wealthy, and the money consciousness in my family was we struggled. And so I had these myths that like you can get success only if you already know how to deal with money or all the issue.

And what I’m seeing is like there is a structure; there is a path to six figure or to a full private practice. I somehow was under the illusion or the fantasy that it just happened, like some therapists especially where I live, in Boulder in Colorado here which is oversaturated with therapists, like some therapists just get it, some people they just have that magic and they just. Instead now what I’m seeing it’s like, “No, no, there’s a structure, there’s like a system.”

Sasha Raskin: Uh-hmm, yeah.

Fabio Fina: Like it’s possible to get there.

Sasha Raskin: It’s kind of it kind of reminds me of the child is wishful thinking there are powerful forces, magical forces around us. The therapists that succeed they just succeed because they’re magical and all-powerful and you’re saying, “No, it’s actually just knowing what to do business-wise.”

Fabio Fina: Totally. And it’s so disempowering too, right? Because it’s like, oh, somebody else has it and I don’t, poor me. It’s kind of victim-y, it’s kind of defeat-ish. And instead of like, “No, no, no, hold on a second. There’s a structure, follow the structure. Get support, like don’t do it by yourself, get support, with text, email with each other and like figure it out, and then results start coming.” Like it’s a direct proportion to the effort.

Sasha Raskin: So it’s interesting what you mentioned about scarcity mentality and beliefs about money. We talk+ a lot about this in the program, and actually constantly add new material in terms of, so people would be able to go deep into this work because this is the basis for success, right?

I bet that anyone who watches that, this interview right now, and thinking about the program they think, “Well, it’s kind of scary to invest money in my business especially when I don’t have enough clients maybe or success is not guaranteed,” and all of that, right? And I’m familiar with that, I have those thoughts too. And we’re doing this interview in quarantine right now, in the middle of the corona crisis, right? And I thought, “Well, maybe I should stop going to my therapist.” And I’m thinking about that, and yeah, I’m seeing my therapist every week, I just signed up for a new coaching program. Myself as a client it costs 2500. Renewed my coaching contract with my individual coach.

And there is movement and momentum in that. Yeah, I’m investing in myself, and in the middle of the crisis I have this week and last week I think it’s like 12 consultation calls that were scheduled by clients, potential clients, and just constantly having new clients. And I see some therapists like, “Oh, my God, I’m losing all my client,” and I barely lost any … not to blow my own [unclear 17:02], right? But knowing how to work with crises, even, and having a system in place, making sure that I fulfill the needs of my existing clients and have a system for acquiring new ones just makes everything easier, right?

So when people ask themselves should I invest or should I not, especially when I’m not in this perfect place financially maybe what do you think about that, what would be your thoughts?

Fabio Fina: Yeah, 100%, because … So well, one things I like to say before is … I’ve seen and read a lot of books and seen a lot of programs out there and it’s really easy to get skeptical like, “Oh, you have to get another program, is this really going to help me?” And to me it’s like what’s the level of pain I am at, what was it that I was in, what’s the level of desire that I was in, that I had to build a private practice, to have it full, to get to six figure? A lot. Also given my life situation like I feel like I want and I need for it to support my family.

Sasha Raskin: Yep.

Fabio Fina: I need to do that. And so then directly, more directly to your question, is, again, there’s a fantasy that like somehow my private practice will work on its own, will magically work. And then my clients will rescue me out of my own poverty, which is so crappy, right? And it’s like, “No, I need to be willing to invest. Like, plant the seeds and then stick through the season with the rain and the Sun and then the plants will come out.” Like, but I actually have to be willing to buy the seeds and plant them. So just to use like a … it’s a spring here, I’m getting ready to do the garden.

But like basically I need to be willing to pay the money to invest in a program that will give me back the tools that I need in order to grow.

One more thing real quick, and this is I learned from you, this was a huge lesson for me, I still use it – with the ADHD I was under the belief that if I just get more books and so you know this about me, like I would come home with like 30 library books, like literally a stack of 30 books, sometimes 15, 16, but lots of books. And mostly I would generally never get through any of them, often not crack them open.

And so one of the things I learned from you is instead of investing in a book or buying like a $10, $15 book that maybe I’ll never crack and my history has shown that, I might just as well invest a little bit more or significantly more in a program that’s guided, where I actually go through a process, and I actually get the tools instead of having this like fluffy hope that I’ll get something through a book. That’s for me. Does that make sense?

Sasha Raskin: Yeah, totally. Instead of having the illusion of I’m doing something by buying one book that might have a magical solution again, right?

Fabio Fina: Yeah.

Sasha Raskin: Actually it’s better to invest in a process that can take me through the steps that are needed, the actions that are needed – it’s about implementation – that’s the power of the program I believe in. It takes you through the process instead of giving you just a bunch of information. You don’t need the program if you just want information really.

Fabio Fina: Totally. Yeah, I mean, I still remember one of the things you said in one of the last classes you were like, “If you had a choice between like watching the class and learning the material and taking action and implementing, building your website, writing a blog post, whatever – do the action.” Like you’re very much about like actually take the action. Don’t keep swallowing information for the sake of knowledge, but like actually implementing.

Sasha Raskin: And one of your changes that you did is building that home office, a beautiful one around you.

Fabio Fina: Yeah, thank you. Yeah, it’s pretty sweet, it’s pretty nice.

Sasha Raskin: And the books now are just for the sake of beauty.

Fabio Fina: Yeah, exactly. They whisper suggestions.

Sasha Raskin: My biggest hope for this program is actually, secretly, is create internal deep transformation for coaches and counselors so that they would be able to create what they wanted to in their lives for their own sake, for the sake of the loved ones and for the sake of their clients, right? If you’re struggling financially or you’re struggling to take action in your life and you expect that from your client, that’s really not practicing what you preach, right?

So I’m wondering what are some, if you have noticed, any internal transformation for yourself during and as a result of this program?

Fabio Fina: I had a therapist years ago, before I started grad school I was working as a bartender and thinking about going into grad school. And my therapist told me at the time your step to greater confidence and self-worth is going to be take action, witness that you can do it which will give you more confidence and then which will give you more confidence to take more action. So it’s like take action, do it, take action, do it, confidence to take action, do it, and keep growing.

And so I would say for me a greater sense of worth, like esteem, self-esteem, which is connected to taking action, like taking action – I see that I can do it, I feel more like a professional, I feel more like I’m not doing this therapy business just on the side, like this is my identity, this is my clinical and professional identity, this is what I do. So confidence, a greater sense of self-esteem, a sense of like actually being able, like practicality I can do this.

A sense of clarity – I know what the processes, like, for instance, right now I’ve slowed down, I’m a little bit more invested on, of course, with the baby. But I know that whenever I can go back to keep building my website, I have a lot of plans, I want to have a podcast and I have tons of plans long term, and so this structure that you laid out gives me confidence that I can keep following it and achieving those goals.

Sasha Raskin: So it’s interesting what you’re saying about keep on doing the work, right? Do you think you have … even though it’s nine weeks program, do you think there is enough material to keep you going even after those nine weeks?

Fabio Fina: A hundred percent, it has to be. I will suggest to anybody who thinks they’re going to get fixed in nine weeks that you’re living a fantasy, like no. I mean, if you get to six figures in nine weeks, call me, tell me how you did it.

Sasha Raskin: And call me too.

Fabio Fina: Yeah, it’s like let me know.

Sasha Raskin: It took me less than a year I think, but it was definitely not nine weeks.

Fabio Fina: Nine weeks that would be magical. No, it’s like nine weeks sets me on the course, gives me a really clear map on how to proceed. And that is just like I got to keep doing the work.

I can tell you that the other cool thing about the program is that so I started a little Whatsapp group between me and the other members of the group, we would just like text each other. And we’re still doing it, like we’re still supporting each other, and the program ended like a couple of weeks ago. So that is to say that like the kind of friendships continue and that’s something I need to continue to grow and so on. They’re going to support me; I’m going to support them to keep going past and beyond the nine weeks and keep building our businesses.

Sasha Raskin: Yeah, that’s wonderful, Fabio. I’m very proud of everything that you achieve, that’s pretty remarkable to see your success. And I think I hope that it would be inspiring to hear for the people who are watching this me.

Fabio Fina: Yeah, me too. Yeah, thank you, thanks for the help.

Sasha Raskin: You’re more than welcome. So anyone who’s watching this, go ahead and read about the program, contact me if you have any questions. And those are small 15 minutes crash course that you can take and that will help you to get a sense of what it’s all about and already having some information in terms of what you can do right now for your private practice, and it’s free by the way, so go ahead and do that. Loads of resources on the blog, a lot, and it’s all free. You can get some cool ideas about what to do in your marketing.

All right, I’ll see you in the program.

Fabio Fina: Bye.

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